Useful reading

Controlling off-flavors in plant-based food products

Plant-based proteins are economical and diverse alternatives to animal-derived proteins, there. Main sources of vegetable proteins that can be used…

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Lipid oxidation in food

Lipid oxidation is one of the major sources for deterioration of food and food products. Rancidity is the phenomena related…

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Pepper – its flavors and off-flavors

Considered to be ‘‘The King of Spices’’, pepper (Piper nigrum L) shares a prominent place on most dinner tables next…

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Some typical off-flavors faced in dairy industry

Good quality milk should have a pleasantly sweet and clean flavor with no distinct aftertaste.

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How are the off-flavors and taints analysed in laboratory?

The complexity of the world of taints and off-flavors means that the use of analytical methods can be compared to the example of looking for a very small needle in a large field full of haystacks, but it is one of the most exciting ones.

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Dealing with taints: step-by-step

In the case of a taint complaint, efforts must be made as quickly as possible to determine the scope of the problem to isolate the affected product and to identify the source of the taint.

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The difference between food taints and off-flavors

Food flavor is one of the most important elements that drive consumer acceptance and preference. Violation of consumer expectations will…

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